What advice would you give to anyone hoping to become established in the industry?
Create personal projects directed by subject matter that you feel passionate about. This will help build your illustration portfolio with themes that you’re interested in and will hopefully attract the type of clients that you’d like to work with. Share your work widely and a like-minded audience will find you.
How did you establish yourself as an illustrator?
Towards the end of my time studying Illustration at Falmouth University I arranged portfolio reviews with some publishing houses and organisations that I admired. These were important formative experiences as it enabled me to ask questions about the industry and to receive advice. At a similar time I began sharing my work online, which led to features in some prominent design magazines and blogs, and eventually led to some of my first commissions.
After graduating in 2013 I moved from Cornwall to Bristol and found a part-time job in an art gallery, while I also worked as an illustrator in the evenings and on weekends. After one year I became represented by Heart Agency and began working as a full-time illustrator.
When do you think the right time is to seek agency representation and what do you think about having an agent?
One years industry experience is a good place to start, and I’ve heard that many agents will typically only recruit new illustrators with at least this before representation. Having an agent works well for me as they deal with the administrative side of the job, which means I can spend more time on the creative side. An agents role ranges from negotiating contracts and budgets, promoting the work, tracking payments and royalties, offering professional advice, while also protecting you and your work should anything go awry. An agent will usually take 25-30% commission, which should be a fair exchange for their time and work. Many illustrators may also choose not to have an agent because they want to take on the role themselves, both routes can work out just as well, so it depends on what you feel is right for you.